It’s probably about time we introduce everyone to our furbabies! Here they are, from left to right –
Charley – He’s one special little boy! He’s also a bit neurotic, very chatty, and SUPER expressive. He enjoys playing with his siblings, snuggles with his humans, and is NOT a fan of most other humans. In fact, if someone comes in, he’ll usually go hide on the bed under the covers until it’s ’safe’.
Curry and Chloe, AKA The Golden Girls. Despite looking really annoyed in most pictures, Curry is SUPER sweet. She just hates having her picture taken. She is also the textbook definition of ”I do what I want!” Yeah, that’s a very ’cat’ thing in general, but she’s got it going on more than any other cat we’ve ever know. In fact, not only does she do what she wants when she wants, but so do YOU! While not very chatty, she will pretty much yell at you constantly when she decides it’s time to cuddle until you follow her to wherever she wants to get said cuddles.
Chloe is the oldest of the bunch and the queen of the castle. She’s also possibly the world’s happiest cat! She purrs more than she doesn’t and is happy to snuggle all day if there’s a human available and up for the job. When it comes to travel days, she’s the least one happy about the driving part, but she forgives us pretty quick when the trip is done and everything’s set back up. Especially when it means they get to eat!