Well, we left North Carolina to start a multistate wander. Stop over number one landed us in Tennessee. We met up with our great friends Tawnya and Eric. We visited an RV resort we visited last year. Last year when we pulled in, I hit a rock. it left a hole on the lower front of the big guy. But let’s go for it again…
Okay, so first, we had a GREAT time seeing our friends. Equally we are happy they understand we aren’t always the best company these days, but we are truly very happy to have gotten to spend time with them! Play some games, eat some food. It is that friendship where you just sit down and pick up right from where we are. Like no time has passed. We are truly lucky to have such great friends in our lives. We say often, no matter where the wheels touch down, or now, no matter where we park. We have friends. The week was great with our friends!
Unfortunately for us, this…

So we aren’t ones to stand around and cry ‘why us…’ but at some point, you just have to wonder ‘why us.’ As if we didn’t have enough to worry about. But okay, another wrench in the cogs… so here is what we do, we post to our Entegra family. They provide guidance and boom, in 6 weeks, we will have a replacement window.
So what happened you ask? Long story short. Well a rock met a weed wacker, said weed wacker sent said rock into our window. Being safety glass, it just shattered. What did fall off was cleaned up, we taped the window and life moves on. The campground did in fact pay for the replacement part. So I guess we are even???
As for the rest of the story, we left one RV resort and went off to another. We quickly arrived at Camp Margaritaville in Pigeon Forge. Great sites, a little close, but all things considered really nice. See previous post about weekenders, yeah that was in full effect. But hey, we enjoy the laid back vibe and, the fantastic wifi (gives our cellular a break). So first of all, we were within walking distance of the restaurant/bar. That alone compared to Lake Lanier, was really cool. And then it wasn’t. And then it was. But really, new life goal, we will hit all of the Camp Margaritavilles. Yo, Poconos! We lookin’ at you!
So life was good in Pigeon Forge. The traffic was hell, and reminded us why we moved away from population centers, but that is okay. For a week, it was nothing. We are very curious though about the volume of pancake houses… just why? And they were full in the mornings. Just why?!
In the end, Tennessee was fun! It’s always beautiful waking up and seeing a lake (stop 1). Or waking up and seeing the mountains (stop 1 & 2). We had fun! We even hit a distillery, so some of our friends will in fact sample the jalapeno cornbread moon shine … but it was sooooooo good!
In all, great but, yeah… another speed bump. You know we are still vertical to the earth and, still have the most important people on the planet with us. 2022 may have overall pretty much sucked; we’ve taken some huge body blows, but you know what, we are going to keep ducking and weaving, and we will get out of this. If nothing else, we will survive!
So we are off to Kentucky, and then Ohio! Our travels continue and bourbon awaits!