There, I said it! And by ”things”, we mean ideas. Good ideas, often from YouTubers and bloggers that have been at this RVing thing for longer than we have and have had great stuff to share. One of our current favorites is this weird looking display of things on the steering wheel. Consider this a checklist for those that may not be great at traditional checklists. Ok, so possible age test here – who remembers those weird slap bracelets that were a thing … a while back? Turns out that they’re quite useful here! Combine a cheap pack of these things from Amazon and a Sharpie and you’ve got yourself an unconventional checklist format.
The idea is fairly simple – one band for each ”thing” that you need to do for your set up / teardown process. Put it on the steering wheel (or something similarly noticeable) when you set up, then take them off when it’s been done during teardown. So your mileage may vary when it comes to what you write on your bands depending on your particular details. In our case, we have ”cat carriers” on one. We like to have them ready and handy in case we have an emergency situation. As we all know, space in RVs is at an ultra premium. So we have these great collapsable cat carriers that are extremely easy to zip up for normal usage as well as unzip for easy storage. BUT said easily stored but necessary items can be easy to forget about when we’re getting ready to move to our next stop and are distracted with all the other things. Just the other day, we had all three fuzzies wrangled into their travel tube and we were well into our routine and about to pull in the slides when I started taking the bands off the steeling wheel, aaaand…. even though I thought I had covered all of the inside items, I would have missed a biggie if it weren’t for those slap bands.
Sometimes ”stealing” is a good thing. 🙂