Learning to shop again….

Well the transition from ‘camping’ to ’living’ continues. So what do I mean by that? Well lets set the stage a bit…

Recently read an article about folks who are ‘weekend campers’ as compared to those of us who live ‘full time’ in our RVs. Now in fairness this article didn’t discriminate between folks who chose to, who have no choice to or are just trying to figure it out. But, point being there is a distinguishable difference between weekend warriors or vacationers and those that live full time. First, to us, this is just living. It isn’t alway cracking a beer at 7am, playing your choice of music loud around a fire. We are just here looking for a different view, or a longer term site, while watching the crazy happen outside. We’ve lived that, you get to go home, we stay here. Not preaching, but just to offer a different point of view.

This week, we really hit the shopping for living phase. We were at Walmart picking up ‘things’. And then it hit me, as I look back this is truly transition from we went for a one week cruise to ‘holy crap we need things we live here now.’

Yeah, that moment happened.

We also did some Costco shopping this weekend, which is wayyyyyy different than what we used to do. We also picked up 4 frozen containers of Pho broth from easily our favorite ever noodle joint… but I digress (can’t wait for what we can do with the broth! Maybe we need four more?!)

It’s all okay. Life has its phases, we adapt, we move forward. It’s strange at times, and even sometimes unrecognizable. But it is the journey we take.

Until the next time…